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151 :以下、VIPがお送りします:2014/06/01(日) 08:56:10.20 ID:8Z1C+2KYm
「鯨肉販売は違反」 国際司法裁判決の解説に誤り | GoHoo 2014年5月31日
91. First, Australia acknowledges that Article VIII, paragraph 2,
of the Convention allows the sale of whale meat that is the by-product of whaling for purposes of scientific research. That provision states:
However, Australia considers that the quantity of whale meat generated in the course of a programme for which a permit has been granted under Article VIII,
paragraph 1, and the sale of that meat, can cast doubt on whether the killing, taking and treating of whales is for purposes of scientific research.
94. As the Parties and the intervening State accept, Article VIII, paragraph 2,
permits the processing and sale of whale meat incidental to the killing of whales pursuant to the grant of a special permit under Article VIII, paragraph 1.
Other elements would have to be examined, such as the scale of a programme’s use of lethal sampling,
which might suggest that the whaling is for purposes other than scientific research.
In particular, a State party may not, in order to fund the research for which a special permit has been granted,
use lethal sampling on a greater scale than is otherwise reasonable in relation to achieving the programme’s stated objectives.
http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/files/148/18136.pdf [国際司法裁判所 2014/3/31 (和訳は、外務省のサマリー仮訳を参照しつつ、日本報道検証機構による)]
http://www.jfa.maff.go.jp/j/whale/w_document/pdf/iwc-to-hogei-wo-meguru-jousei.pdf [水産庁 2012/6]

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