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1 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2014/06/16(月) 08:30:30.41 ID:k+l02SD90.net
After losing the game in World Cup, the japanese fans cleaned the stadium (imgur.com)
submitted 3 hours ago by piroquinha123
・I think they always do this. I saw Japanese fans clearing up during the World Cup in France in 1998. 彼らはいつものことさ。98年のフランスのときもやってたよ。もっと多くのファンがやるようになるといいね
Its a nice thing to do, I wish more fans would do it.
・They did that in 2006 in Germany as well. They were very nice guests :-) 2006ドイツでもやってた
・After losing a match in a foreign country they still cleaned up afterwards? I didnt know that a country with such awesome people existed. 負けた後でも掃除するのかい?そんなオゥサムな国民が実在するとは思わなかったよ
・The japanese are a very classy nation really - apart from the porn which is weird. 日本人は本当に上質だよ。ポルノを除けば。あれはおかしい

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