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【画像】ニシキヘビの体内から人間 ※微グロ

1 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2017/03/29(水) 18:23:29.475 ID:k65jiamK0NIKU.net


Horrified villagers searching for their missing pal were shocked when they found him in the stomach of a 7m-long PYTHON who had swallowed him whole.
Friends of Akbar Salubiro was still wearing welly boots, short and t-shirt when he was cut from the belly of the beast.

The snake was sliced open with an 18-inch hunting knife after villagers hunting for Salubiro found it in his back garden.
The 25-year-old vanished after he set off for work harvesting palm oil in a remote village on the island of west sulawesi, Indonesia, on Sunday night.

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