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554 :以下\(^o^)/から名無しがお送りします:2023/11/25(土) 18:00:51.42 ID:0V+LX0ksF
I am a user of the Japanese bulletin board "2ch.sc".
"2ch.net" was established in 1999 and was Japan's largest anonymous bulletin board where various topics and cultures were born.
However, in 2014, the server management rights were illegally taken over by an American named Jim Watkins. After that, "2ch.net" was renamed to "5ch.net", and Jim ran "5ch.net" dictatorially.
Jim ignored the opinions of the users, forced advertisements and paid membership systems, did not delete content that violated Japanese law, and violated the privacy of users.
We could not stand this situation and moved to the bulletin board "2ch.sc" opened by Hiroyuki Nishimura, the former administrator of
We hope for the revival of "2ch.net", but Jim does not let go of the domain of "2ch.net". So, we started activities to revive "2ch.net".
 e However, we do not have enough power by ourselves. So, we would like to ask for cooperation from everyone on X. If you agree with the revival of "2ch.net", please do the following.
-Please sign the signature site.
- Please spread the homepage
 -Please provide advice and information to get back the domain of "2ch.net".
signature site: https://chng.it/cSJKqQNFK9
Homepage: https://x.gd/YKD0f
bulletin board (translated into English):https://x.gd/s9ZUO

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★