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1 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2015/05/26(火) 00:02:39.354 ID:ZPvaFT8U0.net
Kora unstable, part-time impossible
Talking impossible, look up at the sky
Slacking student wearing pajamas
Dropped out before the summer vacation

Even though my nickname is like "alien" in the society, right in the vast lounge of the universe, maybe I can meet you again?

Wondering if you love me, tryna go crazy or something, I found you staring at me among the people passing by me

My telepathing-feelings, even with a wrong radio wave, you surely grab something because of that I love you 

Wondering if you'll receive this, I'm getting also nervous desu

You always standing with me anyway cuz of that I love you

Just because you're like that I love you
Just because you're like that I love you
Just because you're like that I love you
Just because you're like that I do love you desu

Ah because of that I love you
Just because you're like that I love you
Just because you're like that I love you
Just because you're like that I love you desu

Proly only you can receive me like this


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