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1 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2015/06/04(木) 20:31:22.124 ID:i8mMrHCO0.net

2 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2015/06/04(木) 20:34:01.218 ID:hQN5BUkw0.net

3 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2015/06/04(木) 20:37:10.914 ID:i8mMrHCO0.net

4 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2015/06/04(木) 20:37:35.395 ID:c2PICDln0.net

5 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2015/06/04(木) 20:39:36.755 ID:i8mMrHCO0.net

6 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2015/06/04(木) 20:41:42.892 ID:zMpOn4pqd.net
So I was driving with one of my friends, and I accidentally grabbed his leg instead of the gearstick.
We both laughed and I unzipped his pants. We parked the car and I started to fondle his balls.
He started laughing because he knows it's all just a joke.
I started sucking his cock in the empty parking lot, and I almost choke because I'm laughing so freaking hard.
My friend is also laughing his ass off too, because this is the greatest prank ever.
He starts making train noises while yelling, "BROJOB! BROJOB! CHOO CHOO!". When he cums, I swallow it like I'm some faggot .
I kissed him and call him a gay cunt while laughing.

Gotta love playing pranks on friends.

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★