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1 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2015/07/10(金) 03:41:43.495 ID:Ppvisgqjp.net

2 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2015/07/10(金) 03:44:55.849 ID:VCPpk4zB0.net
Go away the shadow.It is impossible to touch the thing which are not visible.
Forget the darkness. It is impossible to see the thing which are not touched.
The question is prohibited.
The answer is simple.
I have the flame in the left hand.
And I have everything in the right hand.
I am the order.
There fore. you will be defeated securely.


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★