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1 :以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします:2016/03/16(水) 13:33:16.095 ID:1R13pGZX0.net
Survey soldiers of the third corps was discovered in the farthest land, weapon fused and its mechanical and human, it is decision that the class "S".
Product of elaborate magic engineering far unique in the empire.
Fortunately, the recording circuit history is not, reconstruction of thinking circuit, as well as restart of the body was successfully completed.
Although runaway behavior in combat as the only defect, and if for such a situation occurs, once by burning off the circuit.

Again and again that was burning off the circuit, failure has begun to appear everywhere.
It is this weapon that has been used every trick, but no longer even worth the rank "F".
Be subjected to a many times adjustment, attempt the output of the need not logdata, this which was not able to finally be modified to cause the always error is this.
But, even with the do not matter of hindsight.
Anyway this is dismantling the discarded after a few hours.

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