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Moving on to other booths

ARMS gets a booth as expected. Nothing exciting

Splatoon 2 gets a booth. There is a video feed there too. I haven't played the first one so I can;t really tell if there's anything new.
A level with lots of slopes resembling an indoor skate park is shown and there's also a level with floating platforms in like a swimming pool or something.

Mario and Rabbids Kingdom Battle gets a booth as well. Pretty much what you have seen.
Not sure if this has been leaked yet but the player character appears to be a UFO rabbit of sorts commanding the characters around.

Fire Emblem Warriors gets a booth.
The mage (Tharja?) from Awakening is playable, as are Marth and Camilla (these are the ones recognised. There are more but I don't think I've ever seen them before)

Pokken Tournament gets a booth

Xenoblade 2 gets a booth. Nothing very interesting, desu, looks like the first one with an anime skin.
No idea what the story is,, but the rolling grassy fantasy areas are there alright

Okay now some new switch stuff

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is getting a port. This surprised me since it's supposed to have sold like ass in Japan.
Maybe they're trying to escape the wii u's low userbase. No more wii u ports iirc

Pilotwings + Waverace is a new game... set on wuhu island from what I can see and resembles the 3ds pilotwings and wii sports resort jetskiing. Nothing too big, nothing anyone asked for, but it looks pretty fun for casual play

Square Enix's octopath traveller is there, and I've nothing to say about it because it was only half set up.

Sonic Mania and Forces have booths. There is a new level in Mania that is shown off, reminds me of sky sanctuary but I don't think it is. Forces is, well, forces and I didn't see anything new there. The public will prob get to try the C.C. (tbc below)


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★