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hen Johnny comes marching home again,

1 :以下、?ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします:2018/12/03(月) 00:38:00.567 ID:UKgYj4MO0.net
When Johnny comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Oh, the men will cheer the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out,
And we'll all feel gay
When Johnny comes marching home.
And we'll all feel gay
When Johnny comes marching home.

2 :以下、?ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします:2018/12/03(月) 00:39:23.293 ID:AWcKH7GK0.net
I think so to.

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