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1 :以下、?ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします:2020/06/05(金) 18:37:52.019 ID:Pom0zNSc0.net

2 :以下、?ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします:2020/06/05(金) 18:38:54 ID:WG8ZyUzmr.net

3 :以下、?ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします:2020/06/05(金) 18:40:05 ID:tPQ+dzKo0.net

ゲージ場は時空の方向を持つベクトル場として表され、リンク変数(link variable)と呼ばれる。


4 :以下、?ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします:2020/06/05(金) 18:44:03 ID:Pom0zNSc0.net

5 :以下、?ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします:2020/06/05(金) 18:44:32 ID:tPQ+dzKo0.net
In lattice gauge theory, the spacetime is Wick rotated into Euclidean space and discretized into a lattice with sites separated by distance a and connected by links.
In the most commonly considered cases, such as lattice QCD, fermion fields are defined at lattice sites (which leads to fermion doubling), while the gauge fields are defined on the links.
That is, an element U of the compact Lie group G (not algebra) is assigned to each link. Hence, to simulate QCD with Lie group SU(3), a 3×3 unitary matrix is defined on each link.
The link is assigned an orientation, with the inverse element corresponding to the same link with the opposite orientation.
And each node is given a value in ℂ3 (a color 3-vector, the space on which the fundamental representation of SU(3) acts), a bispinor (Dirac 4-spinor), an nf vector, and a Grassmann variable.

Thus, the composition of links' SU(3) elements along a path (i.e. the ordered multiplication of their matrices) approximates a path-ordered exponential (geometric integral), from which Wilson loop values can be calculated for closed paths.

6 :以下、?ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします:2020/06/05(金) 18:45:26 ID:Pom0zNSc0.net

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